Foundation Business – Repair, Raise, Stabilize Authorized CHANCE System Dealer NW Ohio and NE Indiana

Business Description

This well-established business (since 1998) specializes in repairing residential and commercial foundations as a CHANCE Helical Pier Foundation System Dealer for NW Ohio and NE Indiana. An experienced and well-trained team is in place along with all the required machinery and equipment.

Financial Performance

*Gross Revenues typically in the $800k+ range but occasionally double that.

*Seller Discretionary Earnings in the $140k range but occasionally double that.

Growth Potential

This business has a tremendous amount of requests per year (over 100) that it simply cannot handle due to its limited workforce which the current owner at his age does not wish to expand.

Reason For Selling: Owner desires to retire

Asking Price: $420,000 + Steel Inventory Value