Northwest Ohio Roofing Business

Business Description

Well established roofing business focused upon direct customer relationships (as opposed to working for insurance companies). Provides shingle roof replacement, roof repairs, skylight repairs and replacements, gutter systems and repairs, and siding repairs for primarily residential projects.

Has an A+ BBB rating, a 5-star Google Review rating and is the receiver of numerous awards based upon customer satisfaction.


Annual revenues increasing each year with 2023’s annual revenues just short of $2M. 2023’s Adj. EBITDA/SDE well exceeded $500,000.

Attractive Features

*Great reputation for over 40 years and receiver of many awards

*Turnkey team of employees and subcontractors in place

*Consistent growing annual revenues nearing $2M

*Great Adj. EBITDA/SDE well exceeding $500k

*Potential deal is SBA Loan preapproved

Reason For Selling

Desires to sell and eventually retire pursuant to age and health situation.

Asking Price: $1.2M